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October 1, 2012

Membe Praises Tanzania On MDG'S

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Tanzania Government has said it has made progress in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) whereby it attained goal two that of universal primary education. This was said recently by the Tanzania Minister for Foreign Affair and International Co – operation Bernard Membe (MP) when he was giving his statement to the 67th Session of the United Nation Assembly held in New York. Membe said Tanzania has registered considerable gains on goal three which is promoting gender equality and empowerment of women and goal six of combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases. “We have also achieved moderate results on other goals, however much remains to be done to emancipate our people from poverty traps,” he said. The goals to achieve better livelihood for Africa must go far beyond 2015, thus it is necessary to consider the post MDGs agenda, one that complements instead of diverting the whole focus from the current MDGs. Membe insisted that it is not worth it to divert the attention from these goals when most developing countries, especially in Sub – Saharan Africa are unlike to achieve them by 2015. “It is equally important that the development needs of our people should feature prominently in all post MDGs consultations and decisions undertaken in various multilateral fora”, he noted. The time is right to discuss the future of MDGs and consider the proposed sustainable development goals in the light of the MDGs targets. At the 67th Session of the United Nation General Assembly, Bernard Membe addressed a wide range of topics including multilateral development Agenda, Sustainable development, United National Reforms and Unilateral Sanctions and embargos.


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